Full Name: | Katee Pacho |
Body type?: | Fat as hell! |
Fashion style?: | Umm, casual? |
D/O/B: | What? |
Tattoos, peircings or body mods?: | Earrings. |
Favourite food?: | Spaghetti with tomato sauce. |
Favourite drink?: | C+ |
Best reastraunt in town?: | Mandarin. |
Best bar/club in town?: | Umm. |
Single or spoken for?: | Single... |
Are you or have you been in Love?: | I am. |
Do you have low or high esteem?: | Somewhere in the middle? |
Best childhood memory?: | Hmm... |
Worst childhood memory?: | G-getting my toenail pulled off with... T-t-tweezers... |
Where do you want to be in 1 year?: | I dunno. |
Where do you want to be in 5 year?: | D: |
Your best friend is?: | Katey |
The friend you can tell anything?: | Nobody. I don't trust anyone. |
The funniest friend?: | Kriss, lol. |
favourite Film?: | Double zero, and Indigo. |
Favourite Band/group/singer?: | Deadmau5, StrayOtic, Woodhands/ N/A /Owl City P.S. Everything changes! |
Favourite song?: | Currently I don't know what it's name is. |
What are your desert island albums (5 albums you'd have if stuck on an island for the rest of your life)?: | Anything with a pretty picture on the front cover. I wouldn't be able to listen to it anyways. |
Name a object you couldn't live without: | My dog plushie. |
Name and person you couldn't live without: | My dad. |
Name and food or drink you couldn't live without: | Umm, I can live without one food. |
Favourite holiday destination?: | SLEEPOVER!!! |
What would be your 3 wishes if asked by a genie?: | Unlimited money, a mac, unlimited wishes. |
Do you like anyone?: | Pssh, yeah. ///.o |
Do they know?: | I... I t-think so... |
What's your dream date?: | I dunno yet... |
Could you kill a person?: | What?! No! |
Could you kill an animal?: | I-I did... But not on purpose... TT~TT |
Every lost someone you loved?: | No? |
Best way to talk? Email, TXT, Phone, Or in Person?: | E-mail. |
If you were superhero what would be your powers?: | Umm, talking to animals! |
Which superhero would you be?: | Miss Nobody. |
Any fears or Phobias?: | Yeah, Eisoptrophobia (fear of looking in the mirror), and Nyctophobia (fear of the dark). |
Any addictions?: | Computer addiction. |
Would you die for someone, if so who?: | My grandma. |
Any relgious belifs?: | Not really. |
Are you happy with your life at the moment?: | Yeah. |
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